Wednesday, June 19, 2019

It's a Photoplay Day

We have some new and different items for you this week. One of my favorite papers is Photoplay. They make a variety of great images, beautiful colors and much of it is as good for scrapbooking as it is for card making. They have come out with a number of card bases that feature layers, interaction and mini album features. Check them out.

I mentioned I like Photoplay's paper. We carry it in 12x12 and occasionally have it in 6x6 pads. Here are some of the new papers. I also took photos of a bunch of papers we already have it the store that have an undersea, beach and ocean theme. I hadn't seen these papers before so I thought I'd take a few photos and share with you. First up are the undersea and summer photos.

Next up are masculine papers freaturing cars, grilling, tools and ties! (What more does a guy need!)

Scrapbookers and card makers - Do you ever scrap your hobby? Here are several papers that would fit right in. I sometimes think we all scrap everything else in our lives except the process itself. Here's a great way to start.

We also got a huge shipment of Alexandra Renke papers in. I've seen a few and have photos but I've been told there is a lot more on the way! Love the strawberry coordinating dies!

Lastly, I have a few friends (C&S this means you!) who make this saying so, so true. If you don't, you need to channel your inner Lucy, find your Ethel and have some fun! Give it a try.

That's it for this week. I know we have more new stuff coming in. I just won't get photos in time to post by tomorrow. I'll be looking forward to a hefty new post next week. Until then, Happy Crafting!

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