Monday, November 23, 2020

It's a Thankful Week

First, please don't miss Sue's Monday inspiration post directly below this one. Blogger publishes by last published, not when post is originally written.

Thanksgiving is this coming Thursday. I'm planning on a post today, tomorrow and Wednesday, possibly Friday, too! It may not seem we have a lot to be thankful for this week as many of us will not be able to see family we still haven't seen in many, many months. I'm going to look on the positive side of this. We have video on our phones, FaceTime, and we have ZOOM to keep in touch. We've gotten to know our neighbors better. We've stepped up to our friends who are having a hard time. We have dedicated health professionals from orderlies all the way to research doctors who are working tirelessly, many endangering their own health, to help stop this virus. I don't think you have to look very hard to find good things to be thankful for.

I know I'm thankful for Buffalo Stamps and Stuff (no, this is not a commercial for the store!) I'm thankful to have a place that has helped me manage my anxiety over what is going on in the world. I'm thankful for the creative opportunities it has given me and I'm thankful for the bridge to our many customers we call family as a way to keep in touch and make sure everyone is doing OK. I'm incredibly thankful for all the work Sharon, Mark and Jessica have done to improve access to the store and to keep it open and stocked for you. You have no idea the amount of time, energy and pure grit and determination it has taken Sharon to go from a simple walk-in store with classes and an email list to an on-line store, point of sale system, on-line classes AND re-opening for people to come in safely during the pandemic.

I consider our store an essential store as much as any pharmacy or grocery store. We provide a different kind of medicine and food. We provide food for creativity and inspiration for happiness and peace of mind. You have to feed and heal the mind and spirit as well as the body. So this Thanksgiving, yellow, orange or red, I'm very thankful for 'The Store'. 

OK, Sharon has a ton of things on sale. Because of our new POS system our on line store has difficulty processing things like 2 for 1, or buy 2 get 1. For that reason, check out our sales and if at all possible, come into the store. The sales are not applicable on-line. However, you can check out the sale categories, find those items you are interested in in the on-line store, write them down and call the store. We can put together your order (with applicable sale prices and discounts) and run them through the register manually to give you the benefit of the sales and you can then either do a curb side pick-up, or we can ship your order to you.

Here are a few of the sale items. New releases are not eligible for sale discounts. Our regular exclusions apply.

Just a little inspiration using the Honey Bee Stamp set Sharon featured last week. Love this image!

I couldn't find a Thanksgiving funny but cookies are always good!

I will see you tomorrow with last Saturday's FB video (along with an update on some store information it contains). I'll also be doing a "How to Log-in to BSS Classes with ZOOM" post for everyone who has some form or not of ZOOM but is a little challenged as to how to join our classes. I'm going to try and make it easy-peasy for you.  Until then Happy Crafting and Stay Safe!

1 comment:

JT said...

So thankful for you all!!!
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!