Thursday, January 30, 2020

Lazy, lazy, lazy...

I am one of the laziest people on the planet.  There, I said it. (I hope Sharon doesn't read this).  I have this thing about getting up early. If I don't have to, I don't! Simple, easy peasy! So, today I was awake early and as always got an early ping from Sharon of new products. Now remember, I said I was awake, I didn't say I was up, two entirely different things! Anyway, it's 7:29 in the AM and my phone pings and it's Sharon. I figure I can look, save to my photos, get up in plenty of time and be the first to post to the store's social media. But one thing led to another and instead of actually getting up, I started looking at my emails, my 5 Things from CNN, whose birthday is it on Facebook and then I got caught watching YouTube videos. I watched cookie decorating, decluttering Kristina Werner's craft room, rescuing a kitty from a dirty canal and James Corden being totally transparent regarding Car Pool Karaoke, and that's what I can remember. My phone pings again, and it's 2 hours later and  Jessica posted a brand new email for the day featuring - you guessed it - the new product!

So now I'm up, coffee in hand and typing away this weeks post. Housekeeping first, Super Bowl Sunday is this weekend. I'm on the fence. I don't have a favorite team and for once I don't hate either team! I'd like to see the Chiefs win, but the 49er's defense is scary. I'm happy with either team winning (especially if I win in the two pools I'm in!). We have three 3 slots left for our store Super Bowl Party. Sign up ASAP if you'd like to join in the fun. Just call the store to reserve your spot.

New stuff! Here we go! First up is a variety new products from Spellbinders. Now these first two I believe are dies/stamps to go with their foiling machine. I believe Sharon is getting a few of the machines in. Another great way to add little pizzaz to your cards with foil!

Spellbinders doing what they do best, dies! That last one looks like it makes a great three dimensional card!

New Sizzix dies and 3-D embossing folders! If you watched any of the Creativation videos (I've watched a ton of them!) you may have seen some of these great new releases. Here's a close-up!

Last up today is Tim Holtz stencils, stamps and the wildly wonderful cat stamp set Sharon showed from the show.

My husband and I are on a diet together (he will still lose more weight than me...) and I'm also doing PT for my knees. We are planning a trip abroad in April and I want to have more stamina and be able to walk. But to be honest, this is more of how my push to lose weight and get in better shape is going...

You all have a great week, enjoy the game - or not, and I'll see you next week with some more crafty goodness!

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