Thursday, June 10, 2021

Sideways Works!

 I have Wednesday's Facebook video for you HERE. Now, for a couple of weeks I've been complaining about not being able to see the videos when I transfer them to the blog or view them later on my computer or my iPad. I'm pretty sure now it's me, not FB. I bought a new iPad for my recuperation (I'll tell you in a bit), and I watched it with no problem last night. I even texted Sharon as I watched it, and you will see why when you do. HINT: Today's title!

Anyway, I love these cards! Great, great ideas. I also love the strawberry cards. Now I know why I spent a good portion of last week cutting out stamped strawberries. I'm seeing my work come to fruition. I can now take these classes we've got coming up - by ZOOM as I'm sidelined for the next month or so.

I had knee replacement surgery yesterday (Wednesday). I was home by 4PM and we'll see how it goes. I will tell you I was not good going into this. I think I told everyone I met that I was having this done and I was really nervous about it. I think if I said it enough it would help me relax and see how silly I was being. I've had surgery before and have never been this nervous and anxious. Well, long story short - I had a bit of a meltdown in the hospital as they were prepping me and I held things up just a tad until my great nurse peeled me off the ceiling and I let them do their jobs! I have had an aversion to needles and shots since college and I was terrified of the nerve blocker. That put me over the edge, and needless to say I made Mt. Everest out of what was a regular molehill. That done and I was fine. Fine in recovery, fine coming home, fine overnight and doing okey dokey as I type this Thursday morning! I do however, have a bit of a fat lip? It doesn't hurt, I don't think they slugged me to knock me out. It's mystery!

Anyway, turns out I don't have any product photos to post. So you get two Cooper photos!He's been really good like he knows I'm not up to par. 

Making sure I have enough pillows

It is my 'baby' brother's birthday today. He and his wife retired amid Covid lockdown on Long Island last year and they are now getting out and starting to enjoy retirement. Brion has also taken up woodworking and has made several projects for family and friends. So I decided to make him a card celebrating both. He calls his little side-line business..

Why I made the cake green, I don't know. I did use the Lawn Fawn pop up desk die and made the peg board from MFT's perforated book tag die. The tools are IO's mini tools and I believe the banner is MFT.
Happy Birthday Brion!

A crafty themed funny for today. Just think, if it was a stamp we could color the elephants with our Copics!

Have a crafty good week and I'll see you again after Saturday's FB video. Stay Safe and Healthy out there.


Rozy said...

Donna, Hope your recovery goes well!

Sherry said...

Thanks for sharing your surgery "adventure"...I TOTALLY understand, as I am putting off my knee replacement with every excuse I can come up with! Sending up prayers for easy recovery for you. Please do keep us posted. Hugs and Happy Stamping wishes, Sherry

sharon said...

Glad your surgery is behind you, hope you heal quickly and are back to your ole self very soon.

Big Hug, Sue Drees